Indigenous Tourism,Ghana

Tourism is traveling for pleasure to see and enjoy facilities of other places. Over the years,local tourism in Ghana has been a great contributor to the revenue of the country, being the fourth foreign exchange earned aside gold, cocoa and oil & gas. Local tourism has been contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P).

Almost every holiday in Ghana, people visit the local tourist site. Several school children visit these tourist
 sites in Ghana to educate and enjoy themselves. Ghana can boast of several tourist site, which includes sandy beaches,castles, monkey sanctuary, waterfalls, shade rocks mountains, estuary, mausoleum, slave tombs and among others.
Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

All forms of tourism in Ghana is headed by The Ghana Tourism Authority which is the public agency of regulating tourism and promotion, licensing and classification of tourism facilities and services, research and development.
Aburi Botanical Gardens
James Town Light House

If all Ghanaians should gain interest in the tourist sites in Ghana then we are all going to contribute towards the development of the country.


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